
Smart Nitte Hackathon 2023


Conducted on November 25th and 26th, 2023

Days since the hackathon - 309:6:26:54

About Smart Nitte Hackathon

SNH2023 banner with all sponsors
In an era driven by innovation, fostering creative thinking and problem-solving skills among the youth is paramount. Smart Nitte Hackathon (SNH) 2023 is an exciting event organized by TASC, department of AIML, NMAMIT which encourages college students to showcase their creativity and problem-solving skills. It's a platform where young minds can collaborate and innovate to tackle real-world challenges from various industries.
Participants can immerse themselves in problem statements that align with their interests and aspirations. From envisioning futuristic smart cities to devising eco-friendly solutions, these statements encompass a wide spectrum of challenges, inviting diverse perspectives.
SNH-2023 is open to all college students in India!
After the end of SNH2023

Problem Statements

Presentation Template


10 November 2023

Reveal of Problem Statements

  • The list of Problem Statements for the Smart Nitte Hackathon will be revealed on our website on 9 November 2023. We will be having around 10 problem statements for our Hackathon. The variety of problem statement types ensures that participants have diverse challenges to choose from and encourages a wide range of creative solutions.

11 - 19 November 2023

Idea Submission

  • The submission of project ideas and presentations will open on the website from 10 November 2023 to 18 November 2023. This stage of the hackathon sets the foundation for the entire event and marks the beginning of the innovative and collaborative atmosphere of the hackathon, ultimately leading to the selection of the most promising solutions during the final event.

22 November 2023

Announcement of Shortlisted Teams

  • The list of shortlisted teams will be announced on 22 November 2023. This will mark the transition from the idea submission phase to the practical implementation and development phase. The selected teams are encouraged to start preparing for the upcoming challenges and opportunities they face during the Hackathon.

22 - 24 November 2023

Registration for the Second Round

  • All the shortlisted teams are required to confirm their availability for the hackathon and complete the final registration process as they advance to the next stage of the Smart Nitte Hackathon 2023. The fees for second round registration is Rs. 300 per team. The registration fee serves various purposes, including covering event expenses and ensuring the dedication of the participating teams.

25 & 26 November 2023

24 Hour Hackathon

  • The final stage of the Smart Nitte Hackathon is an intense 24-hour event where teams work tirelessly to develop and present their solutions to the given problem statements. This will take place on November 25 and 26. This 24-hour hackathon is a culmination of participants' hard work and innovation, leading to the judging and selection of winners, as well as the prize distribution.

Final 24 Hour Hackathon

Inaugral Valedictory

Rewards & Goodies

Total Expenses & Rewards
    ₹ 2,00,000 +
Total Cash Prize Pool of
    ₹ 30,000
Overall Winner
  • Cash Prize of 15,000 INR.
  • Goodies
  • Winner Certificate
Second Place
  • Cash Prize of 10,000 INR.
  • Goodies
  • Winner Certificate
Third Place
  • Cash Prize of 5,000 INR.
  • Goodies
  • Winner Certificate
Participation Prizes
  • Goodies
  • Participation Certificate
Internship Opportunities
  • The leading team for each problem statement will have the opportunity to secure internships for all of its members from the participating companies.